Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lost and found

When we were small children my parents used to occasionally take us to the zoo.  I loved it!  I particularly loved the lions, they were by far my favorite.  I also love any type of moving water.  I used to beg my parents to allow us to spend extended periods of time at the huge water fountain so I could watch the water flowing in various directions.  One trip we were at the water fountain, my parents were ready to move on to look at something else.  I remember my parents telling me a few times it was time to go, however I was mesmerized and didn't follow them as they walked away.  Once they realized I was gone, they recruited the help of the zoo security.  My Mom described what I was wearing and how I looked 'She has a very light brown complexion and long dark brown hair.'  While my Dad  ran around the zoo looking for me.  My Dad saw a Mexican woman with about 8 small children following her and realized I was one of those small children.  I guess I figured 'Hey we all look alike so I should go with them.'  He ran up to the group and picked me up.  The Mexican woman began yelling at him and demanding he leave me alone.  My Dad explained to her I belonged to him.  The woman took a closer look at me, saw I look exactly like him.  She counted her children, and realized she had one child too many.  She apologized and told my Dad she thinks must have pulled me in with her group at the water fountain.  I remember later that night my parents giving me a very serious talk about Stranger Danger.