Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holy Heathens

Back in our junior high days Autumn, Phoebe, and I, like most other kids our age were forced to go to church about 3 times a week.  Saturday nights there were usually Lock-Ins at our church.  This is similar to Sunday school plus games but all night and over night.  This was by no means our first Lock In, we agreed to bring flashlights to play with during lights out.  Lights out finally came and so did our flashlights!  About 20 minutes into our flashlight battle, all of the sudden the overhead lights came on, and quickly through the door came 2 of our Confirmation school teachers, 2 police officers, and PASTOR!  We stood there frozen with fear evidence in hand.  The officers saw the lights and thought the church was being robbed, they took a look around and asked us a few questions before leaving.  Pastor talked to us for a LONG time before letting us go back to bed.  Needless to say WE were chosen for alter duty the next morning.  We three stood up there exhausted and trembling trying to hold that huge Bible and candles.

1 comment:

  1. Lmao
    Now that's what I call "Penance at the Alter"!
