I recently purchased a new box spring, my beautiful sister Monica helped me by driving her SUV. We mildly struggled positioning and tying the box spring to the top of her truck. The fact that it was twenty three degrees and it began raining did not improve on the situation. After we tied the box spring we held on to it as we drove home. Now, here we are driving home, it's twenty three degrees, it's raining, we have both front windows down and our arms out the windows clinging to the box spring. Our gloves (created to provide warmth) literally became super absorbent sponges for the ice cold rain water. Very quickly the water began running down our arms all the way down to our armpits, the chill was almost unbearable. We finally arrived at my apartment complex, Monica pulled up right in front of the door to my building. It seemed the temperature had dropped even more, but it was likely because half of our upper bodies were drenched in frigid rain water. As quickly as we could we untied the box spring. Luckily it was completely wrapped in a protective plastic cover. We did not take into consideration that a large amount of water had accumulated on top of the box spring. Needless to say, as we lowered the box spring a major rush of ice water came pouring down on top of us. The two of us stood stunned from the overwhelming chill we felt from head to toe. Monica quickly recovered and said, 'Lets, just keep moving, the hard part is over, this can't get worse.' Luckily box springs are pretty light, with Monica leading the way, we had no problem lifting it up and carrying it to the door. The only problem we had is it was a windy night, however, gripping the box spring a little tighter we did just fine. The door to my apartment building is always locked, we made it to the door, stopped, and I went to unlock it while Monica held the box spring steady. I unlocked the door, pulled it open, and stepped back so Monica could pull the box spring into the doorway. I safely stepped backwards off of the tall step, however I forgot about this tiny little inch and a half step below that one. I stepped on the edge of the dangerous little step, lost my footing, fell backwards into the large amount of water pooling in the uneven cement in front of the doorway. When I say I fell down, I mean I fell all the way down, my legs flew up, as did my jacket and shirt. Monica, watching the entire thing, could not help it and began laughing hysterically. I felt a sharp pain in my foot, but he great chance of someone observing my impromptu gymnastics was horrifying and I tried to get up as quickly as possible. Right then the direction of the wind changed, Monica now weak from laughing, accidentally let go of the box spring and it came down clobbering me, putting me right back down into the frigid muddy pool I just escaped. At this point we both were laughing our heads off! Monica was laughing so hard I could hardly understand her when she said, 'Aahhh ha ha ha ha, I have to pee! Ha ha ha ha!' I got up and we pulled and pushed the box spring into the doorway. It was harder than it should have been because we were both drained of energy and doubled over laughing. I couldn't ignore the horrible pain shooting through my foot, ankle, and up my calf. It didn't make it any easier that I live in a second floor apartment. We made our way up the stairs and I opened my apartment door. Monica immediately let go of the box spring, sprinted into my apartment and directly into the bathroom. Still laughing, I said, 'It's OK, I got it, by the way my foot really hurts.' I pulled, pushed, and wiggled the box spring into my apartment. Right as I bent over laying it down on the floor, Monica came out of the bathroom, saw my soaked backside, and once again began laughing uncontrollably. I looked at my reflection in the mirror behind me, it looked like I drank a super big gulp and pee'd my pants. This sent us both right back into hysterics. We were definitely a sight, both standing there soaking wet and dripping with ice cold rain water. The pain in my foot was so bad that the next day I had to go to my doctor's office. The entire time I explained how I hurt my foot, the doctor and nurse were both laughing, wiping tears out of their eyes, and apologizing. Jokingly, I asked them for proof that they attended sensitivity training. It turns out I sprained my ankle and foot. Later on that same day Monica called me and told me she regrets laughing, because she accidentally fell down the steps. It's safe to say that balance and grace runs pretty strongly in our family - that and a newly found fear of box springs.