Thursday, April 5, 2012

Semi scared spouse

I went to spend the weekend at my dear friend Stacey's house. We played games, made dinner, danced & listened to music. Aside from the fact that her husband played a mean and scary joke on both of us, we had a great night. The next day the three of us took a mini road trip to visit a museum located about 2 hours away. Stacey was nice enough to drive, her husband was in the front seat, and I sat in the back. Stacey's hubby fell asleep, leaving us no choice but to try to think of a way to pay him back for the scare he gave us the night before. We thought of a few things none of which seemed good enough. All of the sudden Stacey said, "I got it watch this!" We saw one semi cab pulling another semi cab. Neither cab had a storage compartment attached to it, and at a glance it looked like two semi cabs were connected at the back wheels. Stacey drove our car up closer than normal to the backwards facing semi, so we could see the word MACK very clearly and closely. Then she started screaming as loudly as she could! Her snoozing spouse quickly woke up, immediately saw the semi directly in front of the car, flinched and screamed in terror. Stacey quickly put a safe distance between our vehicle and the semi in tote and began laughing hysterically. Her husband sat wild eyed and shaking from fright, I was laughing so hard I almost had a little accident of my own. I am pretty sure that to this day Stacey's husband has never played another joke on her, and he will most likely think twice before doing it ever again.

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