Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hidden hotel heinousness

Lexi, Lani, and I went to Georgia for the weekend to go sight seeing. The first thing we did was check into the hotel. As usual I had to use the restroom, Lexi, knows me almost better than anyone and knew I would make a run for it as soon as we entered our room. Of course that is exactly what happened. She also knows that I feel obligated to inspect my hotel room for cleanliness and damage of any sort, every single time I stay in one. As predicted I did just that, I looked all over the room, during my inspection I asked Lani, "Where did Lexi go?" she said, "She had to run back down to the car." It just so happened that the closet was the last place I chose to look. I walked up the the closet and slid open the door. At first all I saw was the silhouette of a person standing in a dark closet. Lexi illuminated the display on her phone and held it under her chin so the light would shine up and distort her face. It took a second for what I was seeing to actually register mentally, when it finally did I screamed, slammed shut the closet door, and began to run out of the hotel room. Lani also knows me very well, & knew I was a runner. She jumped in my way and grabbed me so I couldn't escape. Lexi emerged from the closet laughing so hard she started coughing, at this point Lani was also laughing hysterically and her face was a crimson red. As I realized it was just Lexi in the closet my fear slowly went away, however the distinctly urgent and all too familiar urge to visit the restroom returned.


  1. Soooo lmao I had to go straight to the bathroom and urinate.....Thanx for the morning laugh! ;)

  2. You know, in some circles that's considered 'marking your territory.'
