One of my all time favorite people is a school teacher. I went to school with my dear friend to help her out for a day. One of her students parents unexpectedly stopped by to talk to her about the most recent homework assignment. The concerned parent brought the assignment in with her and put it on the desk. The assignment was to draw a picture of your parent at work. In the drawing I saw a woman vaguely resembling the parent standing before me. In the picture she was standing next to a long thin stick with her arm raised and hand holding the stick. Below her, the child drew about 4 or 5 people holding up little dollar bills. Across the top of the picture the child wrote, 'My Mommy loves making people happy.' I sat there stunned, trying to determine if I could look up at the parent without laughing. My friend came back and the parent began to explain the picture. She said, 'I work at Home Depot. There was a big snow storm coming and everyone wanted to buy snow shovels and we quickly ran out. I went to the back to just in case there were any more and I found 1 last shovel. When I brought it out there were people crowding around me waving money at me to get the shovel. I am not a stripper, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a stripper. I just wanted to clear that up. Also, I will definitely make sure to look at my child's homework from now on.' My friend was quick to put the troubled mommy at ease, assuring her she receives a lot of homework that appears questionable at first glance. After the parent left I quietly told my friend the child deserves an A+.
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