I don't go to Church as often as I should but when I do go, it is definitely time well spent. The services at our Church are typically quiet and reserved. This week I observed a very cute Autistic man, he had a big smile on his face and it was obvious he was filled with the love of God. For the purposes of telling this story I will refer to him as Happy. At various times during the service he shouted AMEN! His father continuously did his best to quiet him down. At one point during the service there was a fussy child that was getting louder by the minute. Happy knew just how to quiet the child, he stood up, looked directly at the child and said "Hey! Knock it off!" His father quickly sat him down and politely apologized to the child's mother. In Happy's defence, the child was now quiet. So I say - mission accomplished. When the time came to share the peace, simply saying 'Peace be with you' and shaking hands was not enough for our Happy. He gave as many people as possible a hand shake, hug, and kiss on the cheek. There was one lady that he was very eager to share the peace with, she received a hand shake, 2 hugs, and three kisses. I guess Happy thought she deserved an extra piece! My favorite part of 'The Happy Show' was when we came to the end of a rather extensive and very quiet prayer, most of us said 'Amen', Happy very loudly and enthusiastically shouted 'I'll drink to that!'
I laughed so hard I had a cough attack! Best one yet! Kudos!!