Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Salad with a cape

I recently went out to dinner with my three handsome brothers.  Most of the meals come with your choice of soup or salad.  The server went around the table asking each of us for our orders.  As usual my older brother was on the phone conducting business.  When his turn came he politely gave his dinner selection.  The patient server said, "Soup or Salad?" My brother replied, "Yeah, that's cool."  Our now puzzled server repeated his previous statement, "Soup or Salad Sir" my brother (still on his phone said) "Yeah man, let me get that." At that moment the rest of us started laughing, my middle brother gets his elders attention and says, "Do you want SOUP or SALAD?"  My older brother looks at the server and said, "Oh sorry man, a salad please with French dressing, thank you." The server smiles, nods and walked away.  My younger brother said, "What did you think he said?"  Our elder said, "I thought he asked me if I wanted a Super Salad" I said, "OK, I have to ask, only because we all know you are just crazy. Did you think it was a huge salad or did you expect him to bring out a salad bowl with a red cape on it? & If it did come with the cape, does the S on the cape stand for Suuuper Salaaad!?!" I will have a very good time occasionally reminding him of that moment for the rest of our lives.

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