Bernie came home from her company Holiday Party with the greatest iPhone accessorie I have ever seen! It is the hand held part of the older model home telephone. The handle is U-shaped, has the old school long curly cord, and is bright red. It looks exactly like the red phone Batman used to answer every time the Commissioner called. We went to the mall knowing it would be packed with holiday shoppers, to publicly try out her fun new toy. She plugged the accessorie into her phone and put it into her purse, luckily Bernie carries a rather large purse, so she could easily carry and conceal her fun new toy with her. We went to Starbucks to sit and enjoy a treat, pleased to see there were quite a few people there as well. We sat at a table in the middle of the busy area, I waited a moment while keeping my phone out of sight then called Bernie's cell phone. Bernie being a genius, thought ahead to change her ring tone to a very loud and annoying ringing sound, she pretended to fumble through her large purse for a moment as if she couldn't find her phone. She then said, 'OH HERE IT IS!' and pulls out the large bright red receiver with long cord trailing back into her purse, casually holds it up to her head and says, 'Hello?' At this point I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to fall out of my chair. The people around us began watching her as soon as they heard the annoying ring tone so they were already laughing as well. We had people from two tables come over to us to high-five her, and another came to ask where they could find the super fun toy for themselves.
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