My 7 year old nephew was recently invited to tryouts for an All-Star Soccor team. He was asked to complete a variety of drills and challenges. During break the line for the restroom was quite long and he really had to 'go'. My sister told him to go stand in front of her SUV (which was parked very close) and quickly yet discreetly relieve himself. We watched him run over to the SUV (which I now refer to as her S U Pee) then quickly disappear. I stood with my back to the vehicle, my sister in front of me while we talked waiting for his return. I saw my sister's eyes grow wide then she said, 'Oh my goodness!' and she hurried in his direction. I turned around to see a bright yellow stream flowing up and well above the hood of the car. My sister was ready to die from embarrassment, I however was mildly impressed. I later whispered to my sister 'You know, if peeing were a super power, he would be The Urinator.'
That is TOO FUNNY!!! :)